DISCLAIMER that if this is not your jam? No worries! It's certainly not something you have to get on board with if you want to take part in nutrition coaching or working with me in any way. This is simply an explanation of my approach, rooted in spirituality, beliefs, and energy, should you be interested!
But really? To demystify it right from the get go: It's all about believing in infinite possibilities.
That's it! Now let's get a little more detailed...
Infinite Possibilities
All is in the Now
All Versions of You Exist
*Don't worry if this sounds trippy! Again, it's truly all about belief. That's the transformational piece here: belief. So, if you think this sounds too "out there" for you, I encourage you to just give it a chance! As you read through, I know you'll come to see that, "Oh, it really is just about believing that anything is possible and letting that belief help the transformation take place! It's not that weird after all..."
As you know, Sweet Souls, one of the things I want to do here is create a bridge between the spiritual and the physical - one is not complete, in this human lifetime, without the other!
So, because of this mission of mine (and because we must have both the spiritual and physical involved for a truly amazing life) what are we going to have as our foundation? The fact that everything is energy - this physical world is based in energy. (This is the basis of manifestation!)
Now, this spirituality/energetic piece begs the questions...
If spirituality is the foundation of my nutrition coaching, does that mean we'll be talking about spirituality during our sessions? How is this going to show up in the whole coaching venture?
One, we are not going to be talking about spirituality in our sessions and throughout our coaching unless you bring it up! The only spiritual elements I will always, always, always encourage you in throughout our time together are your True Soul Nature and your Intuition; you will have consistent encouragement from me to you to connect to and honor your Truth as well as to follow your Intuition (which I promise you do have!). Here is an article I wrote on what Intuition is and how you can begin listening to yours.
Two, spirituality is simply the architecture of my work. It is my foundation, but nothing I place onto you. It is about me holding the space, the vision, the energy. It informs our interactions, the actions I take, and all of my approaches to the physical side of all this (i.e., talking about fitness, calories, macros, etc.). Let me break it down for you a little more now!
*The quantum field is simply the energetic field of infinite possibilities that underlies the entire fabric of our physical reality! And this isn't even a strictly esoteric/spiritual concept! It's scientific. Truly. So, when you see that referenced down below, that's what I mean.*
All realities and all possibilities exist in the now, the present moment (they exist energetically as potentialities, so think abstractly!); we're only consciously and physically experiencing this one as what we label our reality. The reality any of us are currently experiencing in the physical is just the reality upon which our focus, attention, energy, and beliefs are placed! (Have you ever heard of the double slit experiment? It showcases, scientifically, that observation of a potential is what brings it to life. Check out this short video if you want to learn more!)
Because everything (including everything we see in the physical, not just what we consider or label spiritual) is based in energy, everything (including you and me!) has an energetic frequency (this is what we often call our vibration). Our focus, attention, energy, and beliefs all serve to weave together our unique energetic frequency at any given moment in time. This frequency will match certain possible realities and possible versions of ourselves in the quantum field - we can only experience that for which we are an energetic match. As humans in this physical world, we get to anchor in said matching reality with the physical actions we take that are in alignment with it, guided by our focus, attention, energy, and beliefs.
*To illustrate with a very simple example, let's say you want to be an author. Picture that dream reality where you are an author - get as detailed as you can! Everything you want. Daily routine, style, impact on others, etc. Now, as you picture this reality, feel into the energy. As you feel into the energy, let it become your energy. Then, consider what actions can you take in alignment with this energy that can help anchor in the reality you're envisioning and feeling into. How can you live, right now, as if this is already your reality? Because, Sweet Soul, in the quantum field, it is your reality! You are just shifting and aligning to bring it to life in the physical; the energetic world is just as real as the physical, we just don't experience it the same way. But another cool thing we get to do as humans is detach - detach from both the timeline and the outcome. Detaching from the timeline is not needing it to happen immediately out of desperation, but committing to the joy of the process while being open to it occurring as fast as is best! Perhaps even overnight. Detaching from the outcome means holding the energy of the vision rather than being stuck on that exact vision coming to fruition. It's taking the stance of, "It's always this or something better!" Trust that God wants the very best for you. Okay, back to the quantum field...*
Moreover, there are infinite possibilities! Have you ever heard it said that if you can dream about something or imagine it that it's a possible reality? That's true! We literally cannot conjure something up in our imaginations that could not be a reality. Ever. Our imagination is a portal into the infinite, quantum field.
Whoa. Is this getting trippy? Hang with me!
By extension of there being infinite possibilities, anything is possible for you. You are an infinite, cosmic, multidimensional, divine, spiritual being for which anything is possible - anything you can dream yourself to be, do, or have. (Because you are truly a Soul, remember? We're going to talk more about this identity piece in a second.)
Manifestation is all about tapping into the quantum field to choose from the infinite possible realities that are aligned to each of us. We tap in with our energy. We tap in with our beliefs. We anchor in with our actions.
Yes, a physical transformation journey (health, body, etc.) is about working with and taking action in the physical - we will always be making food choices, choosing how best to move the body, and so much more. But if we leave out the energetic/spiritual & belief components, we're making ourselves work way harder than we have to and we're not getting the best results available to us! Why the heck would we want that? (Rhetorical question...)
So, here's where energetics and the quantum comes into my nutrition coaching:
It starts with you: your desires, goals, etc. You're here (working with me) for a reason, right? You have been/are being guided by your alignment (by God, by your Soul) to the reality (version of life, version of you) that you want to experience from the infinite options available to you. Your alignment is all about following your highest joy in the moment, your deepest heart desires right now, and it extends from knowing God and knowing Who You Are as a Soul (which we'll talk about more in just a second!).
In the coaching space, I am here to hold this energy (the energy of what you want to experience and who you want to be) for you and with you as we go about your journey. As you move into the energy of this new/different life you have chosen/the version of You that you have chosen to become (be, embody), I am here (as your coach and guide) to help hold this energy and vision. I am here to tap into the quantum field of infinite possibilities with you. The energy is already there in the quantum, the reality is already there in the quantum - it simply gets to be tapped into and upheld by you and I as you go along your journey of embodying it and anchoring it in - that's where the true transformation happens! I do not make the transformation happen for you - it is all about you tapping in for yourself, bringing it into your being, allowing it to flow through you, and taking the actions in alignment with it (the actions that anchor it into reality). This is collaboration of the highest caliber, Sweet Soul!​​
All throughout our time together, I will be holding the vision and energy of where you want to go, what you want to experience, and who you want to be. You get to hold it with me, of course! But when I emphasize that I myself will beholding it, I only mean that no matter what, I will hold this energy and vision. Because there may be times where you drift from belief in yourself and your journey! That's okay. I will still be holding this space for you.
Now, in this process, I am not magic (and neither is any other coach, trainer, practitioner, etc.) - YOU are; you are the magic that holds the power to transform your life and your human self into anything you so choose. This is a collaborative, energetic experience, Sweet Soul. YOU are the one who is ultimately in charge of and responsible for your transformation. (Don't ever give your transformational power away to others! Everyone you ever work with, in whatever capacity, should ultimately always be pointing you back to your Truth and your power.)
All of this that I just basically wrote a novel about!? (I love to write...) This is what I mean when I say it is my approach and foundation - it is what is happening "behind the scenes" during every single one of our interactions (whether that's a coaching call, a chat, a check-in, or me working on your plan after we've had a call or a chat or a check-in - we don't have to be directly interacting with each other in order for me to be in this energetic space!). I am always going to be tapped into your vision and potential, seeing you and interacting with you from a place of knowing what is possible.
There's another aspect to my approach that informs my work that I would like to expand on for you. I've mentioned it a smidge already: identity.
Who the heck are You? You're not just this human, that's for sure!
Now, I don't want to insinuate that your human identity does not matter - you picked it! As a Soul, you chose the human that you are - with all its many life experience possibilities, reality options, and infinite expressions.
Since you're not the human, you must be something intangible and nonphysical, huh? Yep, you are - you're a Soul.
A multidimensional, eternal, cosmic spiritual being. THAT is your Truth.
You are here on earth AS a human for this specific lifetime. It does matter! You chose to come here for a reason. You and God collaborated to choose this lifetime for a reason. You have things to experience, missions to complete, people to love and serve, transformations to bring about for yourself and the world ("the world" meaning the human collective AND the planet as a whole, environment and all).
And in this human lifetime you get to take care of your human form. You get to take care of this physical body.
Your body is how you exist on this planet! It is your Soul's home. It is one of your tools for creation/manifestation.
Your body can do some pretty awesome things! (Like, some really awesome things.) Your body is one of the ways you get to enjoy this human lifetime (think of all its many senses!).
Your body is critical in completing your Soul's missions. Your body is like the rental car/home through which you experience all you planned this human vacation/adventure/game to be (all that it could/can be).
Your body is the physical vessel through which your unique Soul characteristics/personality and beauty is expressed.
But all of that? Predicated on the health of the body. Your specific best level of health.
Even though your identity is not the human body, it matters. It is your tool, your vehicle, your home, your canvas for expression.
Through caring for it, loving it, and embodying it, we get to have a richer spiritual experience in this lifetime.
So, where does this identity flip (Soul > body) come into my coaching?
I always view you as the unique Soul that you are. I don't see you as this physical form (I mean, I literally do with my eyes, but I know you know what I mean!). I see the You in the physical form.
Yes, of course our coaching is focused in large part on the physical form! We are focused on improving your overall health, losing body fat that isn't needed or serving you, increasing your muscle mass, etc. But we can do so from a place of remembering your Truth.
Even if you dip into identifying with the physical body and its looks and its performance and its current health and all that jazz, I'll be here holding space for Who You Truly Are. You'll come back to aligning with this perspective, I just know it.
Aside from this approach mattering because it is coming from the place of your Truth, it also introduces lightness, freedom, joy, and excitement into the entire journey.
When you stop identifying with the body, you detach from it. When you detach from it, you can interact with it from the place of Who You Truly Are. When you interact with it from the place of Who You Truly Are, you can treat it with the love and care that it needs and is asking for. You can mold it to be your piece of art (in the most loving way). You can allow it to change, always knowing that the physical form that is most aligned for you is consistently available - you just have to choose, believe, and go for it.
If you're ready to learn more about my nutrition coaching, apart from the energetics and quantum aspect, head on over here and be sure to fill out the form at the bottom if you are interested! And if you're not yet ready for full-on coaching, no worries. Check out the nutrition consultation offer here! (Psst...this energetics approach applies to the consultations, too!)
Not up for either of those? Again - no worries! Be sure to check out my Substack (and there's a super cool one on the awesome possibilities the quantum offers the worlds of nutrition and fitness!), podcast, YouTube channel, and e-book shop! All those links can be found along the top menu, sweet souls. (Can you believe I'm about to say the quantum approach is behind all of this, too? Dudes, it's behind everything I do.)