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Everything is energy...

CREDENTIALS (We all care about these, right?!)

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (Roanoke College in Salem, VA)

Certificate of Health and Wellness Coaching (Maryland University of Integrative Health)

Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)

Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)

Hold up...right from the start, I want to tell you what the heck you'll get in coaching with me! THEN you can ready about the foundation, the awesomeness, the philosophy, and all that jazz. Pricing is at the bottom!


But I want to outline what you, Sweet Soul, will get in coaching with me so that you can keep that in mind as you read the rest of this page. I don't particularly jive with the program or offering pages that make you scroll all the way to the bottom before you fully see what you're going to get. I think it's a sales and marketing thing? But I don't like to "play by the rules" haha




First, what am I here to guide you through? This is for you, Sweet Soul, if you are looking to rekindle or form for the first time a kick-a** relationship with your kick-a** body. If your goals center on weight, athleticism, overall health, more energy, feeling like yourself all starts with your relationship to your body. (And the thing that I believe transforms this relationship more than anything is remembering that you are a Soul in a human body, with a human body that you get to take care of. That has been the foundation and biggest game changer of my healing and health-optimization journey.) Then we get to walk through the foundations of health, we weed out all the crazy fear-based and overwhelming messaging out there, we work together on you finding what resonates with your Soul right now, we experiment, we take data, we adjust, we keep taking one aligned step at a time.


Yes, we get to talk about food, calories, macronutrients, training/movement, stress, sleep, our values, and so much more. But one of the main differences here is we focus on alignment, resonance, and the remembrance of infinite possibilities.


So that you create your path that aligns with your Soul and body, the dream team.


You and I work together for three months at a time. We keep it chill and we go hard at the same time. You're not rushed but it's time to get going and dig in. Feel the balance?


We get to have three video calls together (after the discovery call that's free, where you and I see if this whole shebang is the best fit for you), one at the end of every month.


You and I work together to create a custom "plan" for you to reach your goals. Now, I put "plan" in quotation marks because it's not what you may think of when you picture a plan in a coaching program - a meal plan, a training program, or something of the sort. We work a lot more subjectively over here. Yes, we get to create clear goals! We can create as much structure as you want, Sweet Soul. (In the app/platform we use for your plan and all that jazz, you actually do get to check off daily, weekly, and monthly goals.) But there's no set template that I follow with every single client in terms of how the plan looks. You are the captain of the ship because you know how you operate best! Do I think focused goals and a clear path forward are awesome? Yes! But I love subjectivity and room for your uniqueness baked in.


This is reiterated at the end, too, but here's the rundown:


After the discovery call, if we're all set to go with coaching, we have our initial call that is our longest video call. Here, we dive deeper into your goals, your past, who you are, and how we can begin charting a path forward.


After this, I'll summarize it all into the app/platform we mainly use. Here is where you find that plan, check off goals, take notes, share progress, etc. It's also where you'll find all the bonuses that come with coaching! (More on those at the bottom of this page.)


Once we get rolling, we have check-ins every week that are due on the Saturday of your time zone. I send these out on the Friday before they're due, just as a reminder! After I receive your check-in, you'll receive a feedback email from me by the following Sunday evening.


All throughout the month, in addition to the weekly check-ins, we get to be chatting on the app/platform and/or on Voxer (for those super cool voice messages!). Here, you can ask me anything regarding our work together, share any new details with me, share wins, and more.


At the end of three months, we'll wrap it all up with one last call! We'll go over the progress you've made, what went super awesome, what you learned, what you want to keep doing moving forward, new goals you have, etc.


After the three months, you're going to be equipped with tools to absolutely slam any goals you have going forward. You're going to approach these goals from your remembrance that you are a beautiful Soul in an awesome human body and anything is possible for you. (And there's always the option to stay on for more three-month timespans!)


Ready to get into the foundation and philosophy behind this all?!


When we say this (that everything is energy) in the spiritual sense, we’re talking about working with the metaphysical energies of the universe - picking and choosing our realities from the quantum field of infinite possibilities, aligning our energy, and thereby getting to experience these various reality potentials as our physically-experienced reality. (Pretty freaking cool, right?)


But when it comes to energy in terms of health and the body...


We consume energy (food), we expend energy (bodily processes, daily movement, exercise), we restore energy (rest, sleep).


How we interact with this physical energy determines how we feel, how we performs, how we appear.


Just as how we interact with metaphysical energies determines the life we live, the life we create (the first paragraph in this section), so too do these physical energy interactions determine the same (just in a slightly different way).


Are you beginning to see the parallels?


But the relationship between the physical & nonphysical doesn't stop there...



This is a spiritually-based nutrition & holistic health coaching experience. (Spirituality is at the foundation while we are working with nutrition, movement, and all other aspects of your healthiest lifestyle.)


This is about Soul and body, being the Soul in the body. This is about tapping into the field of infinite possibilities (the quantum field). This is about merging the spiritual and physical to bring about the absolute best imaginable.


We can’t live our best lives without taking care of our whole selves, Soul + body. (I know, "best lives" is kind of cliche nowadays...but when it works, it works! *wink*)


Wait. Let's actually home in on that cliche a little bit more: I just said something about living our "best lives."


What does that mean?

What does a “best life” look like?


Broadly, I define a “best life” (also known as a "dream life") as…


A life connected to God/Source and aligned with Soul


A life full of dreams, goals, and passions - specific to you


A life where you have abundant amounts of energy to both fully enjoy this human existence and transform/serve the world in your unique way (at the same time)


None of that can fully happen without taking the physical body into account.




The body houses the Soul.


The body is a tool we get work with to create our chosen realities.


The body is a vehicle for the energy (both spiritual and physical) that is required to fully live and step into all that’s possible.


The body is quite literally how we exist on this earth.


You get to take charge of your health and allow it to serve you and your physical body, enabling your Soul to be here fully (as intended all along!).


See, you’re here to live in alignment with your Soul and express the Truth of Who You Really Are. Your Soul planned this whole adventure. You have stuff to do, Sweet Soul! You have a life to live!


You have a Purpose.


What is that Purpose? At the foundation...


Your purpose is to be - be the Soul that you Are (expressing through this human body).


From your being comes your doing. (Yes, this includes what we traditionally think of as work, but it also includes all other actions you take just simply being You.)


Both being and doing inevitably involve the physical body at some point.


Taking care of our nutrition, coupled with all other elements of total body health that we cannot ignore (the holistic piece of all this!), does so much more for us than just help us accomplish our aesthetic or athletic performance goals, improve our total-body health, etc...


It allows us to fully live, fully be here. (As Souls, in human bodies, for a short little blip in eternity that is this life!)



We all know that feeling good in terms of our health and confidence, well, feels good!


So, why aren't we all doing what we can to take care of our health, give our bodies the very best we can, and step into one of the healthiest and most confident versions of ourselves?


Some reasons may be...


  • Feeling overwhelmed by all of the nutrition, fitness, and health information out there (that's often unnecessarily laced with both confusion and fear...)

  • Not believing we're worth it (but we all are)

  • Time and prioritization (prioritization can be linked to the above point on worthiness)

  • Not knowing how to plot a course forward (e.g., feeling overwhelmed)

  • Believing we must take care of everyone else first


And those are just some possible reasons.


But no matter what the reason may be, I want you to know...


You do deserve amazing health, to be at your best for yourself and all your fellow humans on this planet. You do deserve to achieve your body-related goals, whatever they may be (optimized health, aesthetics, etc.).


And most importantly?


You can. Anything is possible.





Some of you may be wondering why you would hire a coach if you can just get information for free from the internet, podcasts, and social media.


That's a valid question!


See, coaching offers you a different, personal, specialized experience.


Coaching provides you with...


  • A personalized approach for you

  • Someone with whom you can brainstorm when a chosen path doesn't work the way predicted or intended

  • Someone to help you weed through the all of the nuanced information out there nowadays (without the overwhelm and confusion)

  • Someone to take the unnecessary fear out of nutrition, fitness, and health information (someone to be a calming presence, to help you chill out)

  • Accountability so that you keep taking consistent action, staying dedicated to the path (because, remember, you are worth it)

  • Direct encouragement all along the way


Sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it? (Here's where I would add the "wink" emoji if I could!)


To get a little more specific on my approach, let me tell you some of the reasons I've chosen to come from a quantum, energetic, spiritual perspective when it comes to coaching. From this approach...


  • You have someone to tap into the field of infinite possibilities with you, perhaps going above and beyond what others have thought to be possible (going by the "norm" - a quantum perspective is expansive)

  • Someone is holding the energy of your chosen version of reality/timeline with you and for you, if you ever drop away from believing in it yourself

  • An energetic space of possibility, freedom, curiosity, and joy is cultivated


You can do a deep dive into this approach over on the Quantum Approach page!



Does it feel good to look good? Certainly! But, what feels even better?


Being truly healthy.


When we are truly healthy, not only do we very simply feel good, but we are able to fully be Ourselves and fully engage with life.


And, here's the coolest thing: As we pursue genuine health (taking into account the Whole Self first, aligning all actions and goals with the Soul), the aesthetics will follow. (Bodily aesthetics are an aspect of this human life that we can enjoy, in alignment, without an ounce of shame.)


As we work on the Inside (reconnecting with Who We Are, listening once again to Intuition, taking aligned action with the Soul, etc.), the outside will begin responding even without our intentional (sole) focus upon it.


The body is wise - we can trust this wisdom.


This journey gets to be about so much more than muscle gain or fat loss.


It even gets to be about more than improving your general, overall health!


It's about stepping into All That You Are and living the life that you are meant to live.


This is just one stepping stone on your journey to changing the world in all the ways that only you can.


Yes, true health is that powerful.



We all have unique goals, current circumstances, preferences, bodies, etc.


We get to make everything in this life our own, tailored specifically to the individual - including our journeys to health and other body-related goals. Yes, there can be objective guidelines to follow (foundations or principles, so to speak), but there exists an immense amount of freedom within those guidelines/foundations/principles.


Plenty of room for you to create a path that works best for you.


You get to decide what your health journey looks like.

You decide your goals.

You chart the path toward them, guided by your preferences.

You align the process with Who You Are.​​



Hey, challenge can be a part of any journey. And that's okay! Challenge is good for us. (It's a part of this human game that helps it be exciting and adventurous! What good is a game without challenge?)


We get to choose how we see and handle challenge. We get to discover the immense power we hold to choose our perspective, attitude, and actions.


We become stronger the more we charge through challenges, showing ourselves what we're made of and remembering our Truth. We keep discovering more of the Truth of Who We Are.


As we discover more of Who We Are, we get to approach new challenges from this place of True Identity (navigating as Soul) and the matching level of awareness. Then?


The entire experience changes.


This is growth, this is expansion, this is leveling up.


I can't say you will or won't have challenges. (I certainly cannot prescribe your experience.) But, if you do, know that it can just be counted as part of the process - beautiful & perfect. (When you decide it's perfect? It is. It truly is about how you move forward, the perspective you choose, the meaning you provide.)



​I'll outline the process in just a second, but I want you to know these things first:

  • Coaching is 100% online and I work with people from all over the globe

  • This is a process where you and I work together to plot your best path forward, for this season of your life right now. I'm not going to give you a plan to follow! You and I walk through your goals, your questions, and we take it all one step at a time. There's a lot less structure here, Sweet Souls, than you may find other places! Our structure lies in our step-by-step process down below. Other than that? We flow. I have found the most transformation in spaces full of freedom - freedom within foundations!

  • Right now (subject to change in the future!) I work with 8 clients per month for three months at a time.

  • Coaching spots open up on a rolling basis. So, there's no set start "month!" I go by a schedule of 4 weeks = one month. Spots are open until taken! Once a spot is taken, I will put you on the waitlist. If a spot opens, and no one is on the waitlist, I will announce this opening via Instagram and on the podcast!

  • The current price is $1,500 TOTAL for the month, $500/month - interest-free weekly and monthly payment plan options are available.



Initial Zoom Call

Once you fill out the form at the bottom of this page, we will schedule an initial (FREE!), 15- 30-minute Zoom call (the discovery call) to make sure this is the best fit! We'll get to know each other, talk about your goals, and make a decision to either move forward with coaching or go a different route.



Questionnaires & General Information

If we decide to move forward with coaching (yay!), I will email you forms to complete and information sheets on the rest of the coaching process details (i.e., what apps we'll be using, the schedule for check-ins, etc.). Additionally, we will schedule our first coaching call where we will begin to develop your specific plan in more depth.



First Coaching Call & Plan

We'll have already gotten a bit of a starting place figured out during our discovery call, but now we're going to dive deeper into your goals and how to get started on the path to achieving them.

Throughout our time together, we'll be using an app/online platform (both forms are available) that is completely free to you. I will get you set up on this platform during this first call where we begin to develop your plan. Here on this app/online platform is where you will be able to find your plan, make notes, check off goal completion, find feedback from me, chat with me, and more! We'll go over all of the features together. I will also get you set up with any other apps/online platforms we'll be using (i.e., Google Forms).



Weekly Check-Ins

In addition to checking in on the app each day, I'll be sending you a check-in form each week for you to complete. This will help me get an idea of what went on for you during the previous week: what was awesome, what could have been better, what you learned, and what changes you'd like to make moving forward (if any!). After I receive your check-in form, I will combine data from the app/online platform from the previous week with your check-in form answers and send you an email with feedback! The schedule for these weekly check-ins and feedback emails are detailed in your welcome packet forms.




This is an ongoing part of coaching. You are welcome to chat with me anytime via the app/online platform and/or Voxer (for voice message!). I will respond to you as quickly as possible during business hours, which are Monday - Friday 9 AM-5 PM EST (US). If it is outside of business hours, I cannot guarantee an immediate response. You can send me messages with questions, wins, or anything else related to our work together!



Monthly Zoom Calls & One Final Call

At the end of every month (at the end of our 4-weeks together), we'll have a Zoom call where we will delve deep into the past month and make adjustments going forward if we need to. On our very last call, we will go over your wins, how you've grown, what you've learned, and what you'd like life to look life going forward!




In addition to all of the coaching above, you will receive the following bonuses:

Macro Guidebook

Workout Template

Exercise Example Guide

Calorie Guidebook

Meal Prepping Tips

Breakfast Ideas E-Book

(once you submit, you'll be redirected to the discovery call form first and then to my scheduling page to book your discovery call!) *submitting this form does not lock you in to any sort of coaching agreement*
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