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Carve Your Own Path Forward

It's not about the way
it's about YOUR Way

Welcome to freedom! Welcome to optimal health. Welcome to Soul connection.


Welcome to one way to live your best life.


Yikes…is "living your best life" too cliche? Well, all I really mean by that is living a life that is aligned for YOU! Living a dream life, truly. Living a life of joy and purpose. Living a life of optimal physical health for your sweet Soul home (the body). Living as your True, Soul Self. How does that sound? (Sounds like a "best life" to me...)


That’s what this is all about, folks. That’s why I’m here: to help you cultivate that kind of life and live it out forevermore (in your own way). What does this involve? Two very simple foundations:


Reconnection with your Soul.

Care for this awesome physical body that you get to inhabit.

Those are the foundational "best life formula" components that you get to live out in your own way.


Here, we're diving into foundational Soul connection and body care (foundational so that you can make every part of the journey your own, custom and unique to you, in alignment with your Soul), focusing on spiritual and physical health.


To fully embody your Soul, to have the best human experience, and to change the world in the ways that only you can, being intentional about the spiritual and physical sides of who you are is absolutely essential.

Some of what you'll find here includes...

  • Nutrition, fitness, and other foundations of physical & holistic health (One of my roles here on the planet [at least for right now!] is being a nutrition & holistic health coach)

  • The quantum field, energetics, and creating/choosing our own realities

  • Infinite possibilities for...well..everything! (The wildest perspectives you can think of? Yeah, we go there!)

  • Intuition, Soul, and connection to your Truth (within foundational Truth)

  • Options, freedom, and encouragement to go against the grain while being a Soul in a human body

You will find those topics and much, much more in my...

Free guides

Substack articles

Podcast episodes

Instagram posts


I want your life to transform in the most magical of ways.


You will find YOUR way - which is, of course, just ANOTHER way.


Goodness gracious, you’re going to be unstoppable. (And? You'll change the world.)

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The Truth of Who We Are lies in our divine, Soul nature.

But, guess what? Though we are Souls, we get to live in these physical human bodies while we're here for just a short time on earth. We chose to come here to be humans and have this adventure, choosing our bodies in that process.

When we feel our best and are at our healthiest ("healthiest" being unique to each individual), we are more able to live the magical lives available to every single one of us.

We're better able to serve and change the world in the ways that only we can.


(One of the things I'm here to do is show you that you do not have to choose between living your dream life and changing the world - both get to happen at the exact same time. In fact...I'm not sure one can fully happen without the other.)

There are foundations of health that I certainly align with (eating whole & as-close-to-nature-as-possible foods, a nutrient-dense & omnivorous diet, aligning your eating with your values, slow & unhurried living, connection to nature, living aligned with your Soul Purpose, etc.), and at the same time, health is incredibly individual.

The journey to becoming your healthiest can seem complicated. Yet, it certainly doesn't need to be - I promise you that.

This is why I'm here to talk about (and guide you through) nutrition, fitness, mental health, and other aspects of holistic wellness (pertaining to the physical world), right alongside spirituality, mindset, beliefs, and all that wonderful jazz.

Everything is connected.


Okay...yes, everyone! (We're not an exclusive club...*wink*) But more specifically...

This is for you if you have been letting fear & anxiety call the shots, hold you back from dreaming, prevent you from taking action, and block you from the life you truly want to be living (in terms of health and beyond). Now you're ready to break free.

This is for you if you are just dipping your toes into spirituality & faith, playing around with the idea of energetics, the quantum field, your Spiritual nature, God, and the deeper purpose behind this whole life, wondering if there's more to this reality than you've been told, rediscovering Who You Truly Are, not quite knowing where to start OR having already begun but wanting to dive deeper. Now you're ready to take the leap and/or keep up the adventure (that never truly ends *wink*).

This is for you is you have believed that you must choose between living an amazing life for yourself and changing the world. You have big dreams for you, your fellow awesome humans, and this planet we get to call home. But you've believed you have to set yourself aside to make the other dreams (for others) happen. You're here because you've always felt deep down that this doesn't have to be true. And good's not! Now you're ready to have it all.

This is for you if you are ready to be intentional about your physical health and become best friends with the body that houses the Soul You Are. If you are craving to align your human body with Your Truth, the life you want to be living, and your goals (whatever they may be for your body) I got you! I'm here to walk with you through that process, remove the totally unnecessary complication, do away with the fear, and help you follow your Intuition to find your own unique path. You can find out more about working with me and my unique energetics-based/quantum nutrition & holistic health coaching approach here! (I promise it's not as "woo" as it sounds. While the "woo" is awesome, this is totally accessible to anyone and everyone at the same time!)

I'm So Glad You're Here!

Here's a little backstory:


I started out just blogging, podcasting, and Instagramming (Is that a verb...? It probably is nowadays!), which are all things I still do, to talk about things that I was developing a huge interest in and passion for: spirituality, manifestation/energetics, and creating our own realities. This venture began after I experienced some pretty intense stuff (the most intense being an eating disorder); through this time, I came back home to Myself, deeper Truths about reality, and the Truth of Who We All Are. I don't think I have to spell out how transformative this time was! A whole new world was opening up...I wanted everyone to come along this journey of waking up with me! I wanted everyone to know that life can be amazing. More than that? That it’s meant to be amazing! That there's so much more to life than we've been taught. And I made it my personal mission to help that happen for anyone that came in contact with me & my "work." (So began the blogging, podcasting, etc.)

This next bit that involves the physical health side of things came into my "work" a little further on after the rock bottom component that was the eating disorder. Through recovery, I ended up rekindling a passion for nutrition, fitness, and all that these physical bodies can do when they are taken care of in the best of ways. I also learned how essential the health of the body is to a True & as-full-as-possible spiritual connection, the ability to fully embody the Souls that We Are. I knew that this physical piece was (and is) meant to be a part of my "work" as well, that it is another one of my Soul's many missions. Therefore, nutrition & holistic health coaching became a part of what I do (a part of my mission) right alongside all things Soul, energetics, the quantum field, reality creation/choosing, and so on! And they both blend perfectly together. 


As you can see, I am here for it all: 


I am here to help you care for your absolutely kick-a** human body to the best of your ability, help you form a radical vision for your life, remind you of the Truth of Who You Are and what is possible for you (hint: anything), help you reconnect to all God/the Universe has in store for you, be an endless source of optimism, and be an example of how awesome life can be. Just to name a few of my aims. *wink*


Katie Anne:
Nutrition & Holistic Health Coach, Author, Podcaster

Are You Ready?


It's time for you to break free from old ways, old patterns, old beliefs, old identities. It's time for you to dream, believe you are worthy of those dreams becoming reality (because you are!), and learn how to align with them. It's time for you to release what is out of alignment with your Soul Truth in order to make room for the new. It's time for you to stop letting fear rule your life, take back the power that was always meant to be yours, and create your reality. It's time for you to care for your human body, in the ways that are best for you, optimizing your physical health while on your spiritual journey.

This is transformation.

It's Time To Leap...

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

Terence McKenna


Wanna know something cool and that’s available to you RIGHT NOW?


Peace. No overwhelm. Not having to do EVERYTHING, do what others are doing, or try to be like anyone else.


What? Yes. I’m serious.


Listen, there’s a whole heck of a lot on information out there...

When it comes to spirituality.

When it comes to life paths.

When it comes to identity.

When it comes to purpose.

When it comes to health.


When it comes to anything else you can think of! And people like to tell you there's only one right way forward. Which is why...

I want you to be able to feel empowered, bold, and confident while carving your own path through life. That's what this six-step guide to cultivating/tapping into inner authority is here to help you with! This is a framework that you can apply to absolutely any area of your life. Forever and ever amen.

If you apply these steps and principles, I swear you'll be unstoppable. Now, as always, I'm just offering up one way. If you don't resonate right now, that doesn't mean you cannot find YOUR own way to becoming unstoppable with a fierce inner authority. You're in your own reality, on your own timeline. You must find your own path. While I fully believe in the transformation available within this guide, I also hold space for you having a totally different experience. This is the kind of world you and I get to help create and uphold.

Download the PDF guide to cultivating inner authority here! (Free with zero strings attached, Sweet Soul!)

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